发布日期:2022-02-28 浏览次数:1115
自21年底开始,乌克兰危机愈演愈烈,使国际和地区紧张局势陡然升级。俄罗斯总统普京于2022年2月21日晚签署法令,宣布承认乌东部“顿涅茨克人民共和国”和“卢甘斯克人民共和国”并向两地派出维和部队。这一行动让乌克兰局势急转直下。并于当地时间 2 月 24 日清晨,宣布在乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区展开特别军事行动。
写作:do not correspond with reality
The war claimed more than 100 lives
1. meet no resistance from 没有遇到抵抗
2. provide any resistance 进行抵抗
3. border guards 边防军
4. border service 边防部队
5. Russian units 俄军
6. Ukrainian forces 乌军
7. Ukrainian territory 乌克兰领土
8. suppress air defenses 瓦解防空力量
9. down several Russian aircraft 击落飞机
10. the aircraft and a helicopter be shot down 飞机被击落
11. do not correspond with reality 与事实不符
12. the General Staff of the Armed Forces 武装部队总司令
13. a special military operation 特别军事行动
14. Ukraine's capital Kyiv 乌克兰首都基辅
15. tear up a peace deal 撕毁和平协议
16. maintain peace 维和
17. peacekeeper 维和人员
18. jeopardize one's entire security structure 威胁整体安全框架
19. an international Minsk peace accord 明斯克协议
20. the latest satellite photos 最近的卫星照片
21. within a short distance of one's borders 距离边境不远
22. be responsible for further bloodshed 对进一步流血冲突负责
23. halt hostilities in the east 停止在东部的敌对行动
24. a series of bogus incidents 一系列的遇袭造假事件
25. be used as a pretext for an attack攻击借口
26. a puppet of the West 西方的木偶
27. a defensive alliance of 30 countries 由30个国家组成的军事联盟
28. sb demilitarize 解除某人武装
29. a neutral state 中立的国家
30. a former Soviet republic Ukraine 前苏联共和国乌克兰
31. the relations have frayed 关系出现隔阂
32. the pro-Russian president was deposed 亲俄总统下台
33. The war has claimed more than 14,000 lives 战争让14000人丧命
34. the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine 乌东卢甘斯克和顿涅茨克地区
35. proxy 代理人
36. station there 在此驻军
37. build military bases 建立军事基地
38. ceasefire violations 违反停火协议
39. false accusations 诬告
40. commit genocide 种族灭绝
41. "military-technical" measures 采取军事技术措施
42. mobilise troops 军事动员
43. retain a significant military presence 保持大量武装力量存在
44. build up the armed forces 进行武装力量建设
45. call up all reservists aged 18-60 征召18岁至60岁的预备役军人
46. a "horrific" scenario with conflict in dense urban areas 在人口密集的城市发生可怕的武装冲突
47. a no-fly zone 禁飞区
48. a blockade of ports 封锁港口
49. nuclear weapons 核武器
50. launch cyber-attacks 发动网络攻击
51. UN Secretary-General António Guterres 联合国秘书长古特雷斯
52. UN chief Antonio Guterres 联合国秘书长古特雷斯
53. a violation of one's territorial integrity and sovereignty 侵犯国家主权与领土完整
54. field hospitals 野战医院
55. penalise Russia with sanctions 用制裁惩罚俄罗斯
56. halt approval on Russia's completed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline 暂停北溪-2号天然气管道的审批程序
57. cut off Russia's government from Western financial institutions 切断俄罗斯和国际金融机构的联系
58. target high-ranking "elites" 制裁高级官员
59. disconnect Russia's banking system from the international Swift payment system 切断俄罗斯与SWIFT(环球银行金融电信协会)的支付系统
60. the Baltic states and Poland 波罗的海诸国与波兰
61. a legally binding pledge 具有法律效力的承诺
62. Nato will not expand further. 北约不再东扩
63. it's absolutely mandatory to ensure Ukraine never, ever becomes a member of Nato 乌克兰绝对不能加入北约
64. nowhere further to retreat to 在家门口,我们没有退路
65. sit idly by 站着无计可施
66. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky 乌克兰总统泽连斯基
67. respect one's independence and sovereignty 尊重独立和主权
68. the collapse of the Soviet Union 苏联解体
69. deploy "strike weapons near Russia's borders" 在俄罗斯边境部署攻击性武器
70. separatist-controlled areas 被分裂势力控制的区域
71. the Russian-backed separatist-held areas 被分裂势力占领的区域
72. remove forces and military infrastructure from member states 从成员国撤走军队和军事设施
73. a defensive alliance with an open-door policy to new members 北约的大门应向愿意加入的国家开放
74. Nato would expand "not an inch to the east" 北约“不会向东扩张一寸”
75. short- and medium-range missiles 中短程弹道导弹
76. launch an all-out invasion of sb by land, air and sea 在海陆空发动进攻
77. say in a televised address 发表电视讲话
78. the missiles rained down on sb/sth 导弹倾泻而至
79. gunfire rattles out 炮声隆隆
80. sirens blare across the city 防空警报响彻城市
81. martial law 军事管制
82. impose all possible sanctions on 实施全面制裁
83. launch a full-scale invasion of 发动全面战争
84. a war of aggression 侵略战
85. the demilitarisation and denazification of 解除一些受法西斯主义支配部队的武装
86. take out military infrastructure 摧毁军事设施
87. degrade its air defences 削弱其防空力量
88. close its airspace to civilian flights 关闭全境领空
89. suspend domestic flights at airports near its border with 关闭与XXX接壤地区的领空
90. power has been cut 停电
91. the “unprovoked and unjustified attack 无端和无理的攻击
92. in an impassioned appeal 慷慨激昂地呼吁
93. in the name of humanity 以全人类的名义
94. call an emergency meeting 召开紧急会议
95. harshest sanctions 最严厉的制裁
96. Russia’s UN ambassador 俄罗斯驻联合国代表
97. the current president of the Security Council 安理会轮值主席
98. the Ukrainian regime 乌克兰当局
99. under Article 51 of the UN Charter 根据《联合国宪章》第51条
100. demand Ukrainian forces lay down their arms 要求乌军放下武器
101. call for XXX’s expulsion from the UN 呼吁联合国开除XXX
102. call for an urgent resolution at the Security Council 呼吁安理会通过紧急决议
103. a breach of international law 违反国际法
104. underestimate the resilience of sb 低估某人的抵抗
105. military tanks and armored vehicles 坦克与装甲车